+ project #07

touch me-don't touch me!
date: [2004 -....]
authors: nancy diniz & cesar branco

presented at: [current and upcoming]
  + concept

It deals mainly with direct input through hands and gestures in virtual geometries in an augmented reality (AR) environment. Through this technology is possible to visualise virtual objects overlaid in the real world and interact with them in real time. The system tracks the gestures of the hands through webcams (computer vision technology). In order to visualise the virtual objects the user needs to wear a Head Mounted Display. In consequence, the user is able to visualise the two environments: real+virtual and interact with the virtual objects through gestures and movements. These movements trigger actions and effects together with spatial sound in the 3D space of the installation.

+ keywords: Augmented Reality, Direct 3D Input, Gesture Recognition.



+ images