project #01
MixDesign, Tangible Mixed Reality for Architectural Design date: [2002] authors: nancy diniz + ADETTI . "HP New Media Lab", Lisbon - Portugal presented at: ART'02, Darmstadt, Germany[[30 Sep-1 Oct 02].] -awarded "best demo award". SIACG 2002, Guimarães-Portugal - [1-5 Jul 02]. [see papers #02/#03 in publications] ADETTI project's website: https://magic-reality.com/mdp |
concept The system provides the means for an architect to intuitively interact with a real scale model of the design, in normal working settings, where he can observe an enhanced version of the scale model, with 3D virtual objects registered to the real ones. The architect is then able to use intuitive tangible interfaces, such as a paddle. By means of paddle gesturing recognition, it is possible to activate a menu, browse and choose menu options or pick, move, rotate and scale 3D virtual objects, within the scale model working area. To transport the user from Augmented Reality to a fully Virtual Environment (supporting real-time scene navigation, while in VR mode) and back, paddle gesturing recognition is also used. MIXDesign provides a testbed for trialing new design concepts while seamlessly transporting the Architect from Reality (RE) to Augmented Reality (AR) and then through Augmented Virtuality (AV), towards a full Virtual Environment (VE), and back, where he can perceive and judge both the virtual and the real models, interactively and in real-time. + keywords: Augmented Reality, Tangible Interfaces |